
Simply and easily accept donations in Ether.

One Line

Just one line of code is all you need.

<script src="" data-address="{YOUR ETHEREUM ADDRESS}" data-meta="eth-button"></script>

IMPORTANT: For the best security guarantees, always clone the repository yourself, build the code yourself, and host it yourself. Using the code hosted on rawgit is recommended only after verifying that building the code locally produces an identical output. The rawgit link is provided as a convenience. Using it without verifying the code it contains requires a level of trust that is not recommended.


A simple and straightforward mechanism to accept Ether donations. Includes the standard identicon for visual verification of addresses. Just drop in a script tag and go.



Easily create your own custom styles.

.CustomEtherButton .EthDonateButton {
  background-color: #3E3F3A;
  color: #F8F5F0;

.CustomEtherButton .EthDonateButton--DisabledOverlay {
  color: #3E3F3A

.CustomEtherButton .EthDonateButton--Blockie {
  display: none;

.CustomEtherButton .EthDonateButton--Content {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: 64px;

.CustomEtherButton .EthDonateButton--LabelRow--Caption {
  width: initial;

.CustomEtherButton .EthDonateButton--LabelRow--Address {
  width: 65%;


<div class="CustomEtherButton">


I'm just some guy who likes to build things on the web. If you like this, use one of the buttons above! Switch your MetaMask to a testnet if you just want to try it out.

This is just the basic implementation! Open an issue in the GitHub repository with suggestions or improvements. Or, make some changes and open a PR! See the README for details on developing or building your own script.